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Thermo_App1_lc_ms_igg1-mab-oxidationCharacterization of IgG1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) oxidation variants at intact, subunit and peptide levels
Download application brief about the identification and localization of methionine oxidation of biotherapeutics via LC-MS analysis at the intact protein, subunit and peptide levels.






Thermo_App2_lc_ms_igg1-mab_variantsSensitive profiling of IgG1 monoclonal antibody variants under native conditions
Download application brief about biopharmaceutical applications involving separation under native conditions and performance for intact high-resolution accurate-mass (HRAM) mass analysis.






Thermo_App3_lc_ms_peptide_mappingConfident peptide mapping and disulfide bond analysis of an IgG2 monoclonal antibody
Download application brief about the routine characterization of biotherapeutics through LC-MS peptide mapping with high-resolution accurate-mass (HRAM) MS/MS identification.






Thermo_App4_lc_ms_faims_peptidesImproving targeted peptide quantification: Combining a Thermo Scientific TSQ Altis MS with a FAIMS Pro interface for peptides in complex matrices
Combining the Thermo Scientific™ FAIMS Pro™ interface with triple-stage quadrupole (TSQ) technology increases the dynamic range and enables accurate quantification of peptides at low levels even from complex matrices.





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