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Pesticide residues screening and quantitation analysis in olive oil using a Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ 240 HRMS
Download the application note about a multi-residue instrument method that can be applied for high-throughput quantitation and unknown screening of pesticide residues in food matrices at or below current legislative requirements.
Simultaneous analysis of mycotoxins in corn-based animal feed by quadrupole-Orbitrap LC-MS/MS
To demonstrate an excellent method for rapid screening and quantitation of multiple mycotoxin compounds in a highly complex matrix using the Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ 120 mass spectrometer and UHPLC.
Multiclass veterinary drug screening and quantitation by high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) using the Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris 120 mass spectrometer
Providing high-quality data in both DIA and ddMS2 scan modes for screening and quantitation assays applied to veterinary drugs.
EUROLAB adopts Orbitrap high-resolution mass (HRAM) solution for both targeted and untargeted contaminant analysis
Learn how using Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ HRAM goes beyond targeted screening to comprehensive methods capable of revealing all compounds present in a sample.
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