Applications eBook

Complete the form on the right to download your personal copy of the latest 'Bioclinical Analysis' eBook. This 44-page publication covers the applications detailed below.

Bioclinical_App1Simultaneous Analysis of Alcohol Metabolites and Barbiturates by LC-MS/MS
Analysis of alcohol metabolites and barbiturates in urine typically is done using separate methods due to polarity differences between the compound classes and the incompatibility of EtG with enzymatic hydrolysis. In this method, barbiturates were incorporated into an existing EtG/EtS method, providing testing labs with a potential avenue for a more efficient approach through simultaneous analysis.

Bioclinical_App2Accelerate Inhalants of Abuse Method Development with Pro EZGC Software
The method described here enables the user to model more than 60 common inhalants of abuse — industrial solvents and refrigerants, as well as nitrites and their metabolites — from his or her desk. Furthermore, methods can be developed and optimized, achieving instrument-ready conditions within minutes, without taking your instrument offline. Simulated chromatograms can be used to help identify unknown compounds in real-world analyses.

Bioclinical_App3Fast, 3.5 Minute Analysis of Psilocin and Psilocybin in Urine by LC-MS/MS
In this rapid LC-MS/MS analysis of psilocin and psilocybin in urine, supernatant from a simple protein precipitation was analyzed directly (no derivatization) on a Raptor Biphenyl column. Good quantitative results were obtained for linearity, accuracy, precision, and robustness in just 3.5 minutes. In addition, these compounds were analyzed using an established method for drugs of abuse/pain management medications, providing labs with an option to improve efficiency.



Simplify Alcohol Analyses with Application-Designed Chromatography Columns
In this application note, Restek introduces its tailored columns to address the common analyte interferences that can hinder productive chromatography. Dual capillary column sets for GC are available for common blood alcohol analyses, and high-throughput analytical LC column and guard cartridges are available for urinary alcohol assays. Starting method development with tailored columns designed specifically to lessen interferences can help labs develop methods faster and keep instruments running.



How Extra-Column Volume Affects Cannabinoids Analysis and LC Column Choice
In this article, we will explore the effects that extra-column volume has on the chromatographic separations in cannabinoids analysis and also provide guidance on how to choose a column that will best suit your laboratory’s needs.


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