Featured Conference


Building on the success of Food Science 2016, the dates for Food Safety Analysis 2018 are announced as 27-28 November, 2018 at the world-class scientific venue, Biopolis, Singapore. For the 2018 event, Separation Science is pleased to confirm that Dr Bert Popping joins the event as Conference Chairman and Scientific Programme Advisor.

The conference is a two-day event and will cover the broad range of current topics and trends, as well as expanding the scientific poster programme and providing a first-class exhibition and networking opportunity. The technical programme will focus on key disciplines within food safety and testing techniques, providing attendees with a unique opportunity to keep ahead of current and future techniques.

Deadline for oral abstract submission: 
29 June, 2018

Deadline for earlybird registration: 
1 September, 2018

Deadline for poster abstract submission: 
5 October, 2018

For more information click the button below.

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Confirmed Speakers

KateMastovska.pngKaterina Mastovska
Covance, USA

AmadeoFernandezAlba.pngAmadeo Fernandez-Alba
EURL Pesticides, Spain

EmmaBradley.pngEmma Bradley

GuangtaoZhang.pngGuangtao Zhang
Effem MARS Beijing, China

SteveHolroyd.pngSteve Holroyd

FrancoisBourdichoin_web.pngFrancois Bourdichon
Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Microbial Hygiene of the International Dairy Federation

PaulBrereton_web.pngPaul Brereton
Queen's University, UK

WeiZhu.pngWei Zhu
Danone, China

SaskiaVanRuth.pngSaskia van Ruth
WUR / RIKILT, The Netherlands

GerhardRimkus.pngGerhard Rimkus
Intertek, UK