Forum: Analytical Procedure Lifecycle Management
24 November, 2021
10:30am New Delhi | 1:00pm Singapore | 2:00pm Japan | 4:00pm Sydney

Listen to our expert panel discuss applying an enhanced approach to the lifecycle of analytical procedures from development through validation, transfer, operational execution, and change control until final discontinuation.

Invited panellists for this forum include:

GeraldGellermanGerald Gellerman - Senior Fellow
Novartis, Switzerland

ManojMettaWebDr Manoj Kumar Metta - Science and Standards Liaison - Global Biologics
United States Pharmacopeia, India


PhilNethercotePhil Nethercote - Independent consultant in Pharmaceutical Analysis

FrankSteinerFrank Steiner - Senior Manager Product Applications
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany

PatrickJacksonPatrick Jackson - Investigator






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