Faster, Easier, and Better Biopharmaceutical Intact Mass Analysis


Biopharmaceutical Intact Mass Analysis has traditionally been challenging, and required sample preparation or analysis techniques which led to lengthy data interpretation or results which didn't mirror the actual protein in its native form. Find out how Thermo Scientific provides the ability to not only acquire the highest quality native intact mass data, providing full structural insights, but also perform sub-unit and peptide mapping analyses on a single system.


Orbitrap MS - Built for BioPharma

Prof. Alexander Makarov takes us through the evolution of Obitrap technology for the analysis of biotherapeutics.


Driving Native Mass Spectrometry of Membrane Proteins for Pharmaceutical Research


Unlike conventional proteomics-based mass spectrometry (MS), native MS relies on maintaining a biomolecule’s folded state and any associated noncovalent interactions within the mass spectrometer. Native MS allows direct detection of proteins and proteinligand complexes at unprecedented resolution with the Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ UHMR (Ultra High Mass Range) system. Oxford Mass Technologies specializes in native mass spectrometry platforms for multidimensional analysis of challenging protein targets for the biopharmaceutical industry, and is the first company to offer native MS of membrane proteins, the largest family of drug targets.

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Subunits analysis approach for the determination of fucosylation levels in monoclonal antibodies using LC-HRAM-MS

Subunits analysis approach for the determination of fucosylation levels in monoclonal antibodies using LC-HRAM-MSTo highlight middle-up techniques for biotherapeutics N-glycan characterization. To show the importance of high-resolution, accurate-mass MS techniques to confidently quantify mAb N-glycoforms with a special focus on core afucosylation. To demonstrate that the method is easy to optimize, fast, and reproducible.

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